How It Feels to Float Summary

Written by: Marilyn Nissen
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In the novel 'How It Feels to Float,' the author takes readers on an emotional journey through the eyes of the protagonist, exploring themes of isolation and the impact of mental health.

Through vivid storytelling and compelling character development, the book offers a unique perspective on the complexities of navigating adolescence and grappling with one's own sense of self.

With its thought-provoking ideas and poignant moments, 'How It Feels to Float' leaves readers yearning for more, eager to uncover the depths of the protagonist's experiences and discover the ultimate resolution that awaits.

Summary of the book

'How It Feels to Float' takes readers on an emotional journey through the eyes of the protagonist, Biz.

The book delves into themes of isolation, exploring the profound impact it can have on one's mental health.

Through Biz's experiences, the author sheds light on the complexities of navigating mental illness and the importance of finding support and connection in a world that can often feel overwhelming.

Emotional Journey of Protagonist

The protagonist of 'How It Feels to Float' embarks on an emotional journey that explores the depths of her inner turmoil and the complexities of her mental health. This coming-of-age novel by Helena Fox delves into the life of Biz, a seventeen-year-old girl who grapples with anxiety, depression, and the loss of her father.

Throughout the story, Biz experiences vivid hallucinations and dissociative episodes, blurring the lines between reality and her own mind. As she navigates her daily life and relationships, the reader witnesses her struggle to make sense of her emotions and find stability.

The emotional journey of Biz is raw and honest, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals with mental health issues and ultimately offering a message of hope and resilience.

Themes of Isolation Explored

Explored throughout the novel, 'How It Feels to Float' delves into the profound themes of isolation and its impact on the protagonist's journey of self-discovery.

The book follows the story of Biz, a sixteen-year-old girl struggling with mental illness and the overwhelming feeling of detachment from the world around her. As Biz grapples with her own thoughts and emotions, she finds herself increasingly isolated, both physically and emotionally.

This isolation serves as a catalyst for her exploration of self and forces her to confront the depths of her own mind. Through moments of introspection and encounters with others who share similar experiences, Biz begins to unravel the complexities of her own identity and find solace in the connections she forms along the way.

'How It Feels to Float' offers a poignant portrayal of the profound impact that isolation can have on an individual's journey towards self-acceptance and understanding.

Impact of Mental Health

Throughout the novel 'How It Feels to Float,' the profound impact of mental health is skillfully portrayed as Biz navigates her journey of self-discovery amidst the isolating realities of her mental illness.

The author, Helena Fox, delves deep into the complexities of mental health, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals battling mental illness.

Biz's experiences with anxiety, depression, and dissociation are vividly depicted, allowing readers to empathize with her struggles and gain a deeper understanding of the impact of mental health on one's life.

The book emphasizes the importance of destigmatizing mental health and highlights the need for support, understanding, and open conversations surrounding mental illness.

Best ideas

One possible approach to the subtopic of 'Best ideas' is to consider the most innovative and effective strategies that have emerged in the field.

When it comes to mental health, several ideas have gained recognition for their impact and effectiveness.

One such idea is the implementation of teletherapy, which allows individuals to access therapy sessions remotely through phone or video calls. This has proven to be a convenient and accessible option, especially for those who may have limited mobility or live in remote areas.

Another noteworthy idea is the integration of mindfulness practices into mental health treatment. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and breathing exercises, have shown promising results in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. By incorporating these practices into therapy sessions, individuals can develop tools to manage their mental health more effectively.

Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence in mental health care is gaining traction. AI-powered chatbots and virtual therapists provide round-the-clock support and can help individuals track their symptoms, provide coping mechanisms, and offer personalized recommendations.

These innovations are transforming the field of mental health and improving access and outcomes for individuals seeking support.

Review of the book

The book 'How It Feels to Float' offers a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of mental health and its impact on the human experience. With its raw and honest portrayal of the protagonist's struggles, the author skillfully delves into the complexities of mental illness, providing readers with a deep understanding of the protagonist's emotional journey.

Review highlights include:

  • Authentic portrayal: The author's writing style allows readers to connect with the protagonist's emotions, making the story feel genuine and relatable.
  • Sensitivity and empathy: The book handles sensitive topics with care and compassion, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals dealing with mental health issues.
  • Engaging narrative: The story is captivating and holds the reader's attention from beginning to end, with well-developed characters and a compelling plot.
Marilyn Nissen
Written by Marilyn Nissen

Marilyn Nissen is the founder of, a highly reputable book summary and reviews website. With over a decade of experience in summarizing and reviewing books, Marilyn is a trusted authority in the book industry.